Why Do Men Start Conversations with Just "Hello" on Dating Apps?
Online dating can be exciting but also challenging, especially when initiating conversations. One common complaint from women on dating platforms is receiving a simple “Hello” or “Hi” as a first message. While this may seem lazy or uninspired, there’s a deeper reason behind this approach: time management and emotional protection.
1. Minimizing Emotional Investment
Starting with “Hello” is a low-risk move. Crafting personalized messages takes effort, and many men may have experienced sending thoughtful introductions only to be met with silence. To avoid the sting of rejection, they keep their first messages short and neutral. If the person responds, they can invest more energy into the conversation.
2. Filtering Genuine Interest
Men might see a simple greeting as a way to test interest. If the recipient replies, it signals potential engagement, encouraging them to put in more effort. If there’s no response, they haven’t wasted much time or emotional energy.
3. Managing Time and Expectations
Online dating often involves chatting with multiple people. Sending customized messages to everyone can be overwhelming. A simple “Hello” allows them to gauge responses efficiently while managing their limited time.
4. Social Norms and Simplicity
In many cultures, starting with “Hello” is considered polite and straightforward. Some men might assume that deeper conversations naturally follow a polite greeting.
How to Respond?
If you’re tired of receiving “Hello” messages, consider responding with a light, engaging question like, “Hi there! What inspired you to reach out today?” This can set the tone for a more meaningful conversation—or help you decide if the person is worth your time.
Final Thought: While a simple greeting may seem dull, it often reflects practical dating strategies. The key lies in how the conversation evolves after that initial “Hello.”